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Pediatric Dentistry

This speciality is dedicated to the oral health of babies, children, adolescents, patients with special needs and pregnant women.

Some children may require a clinical approach with a more playful component, thus demystifying the fear associated with the dentist, but we do not abdicate scientific and up-to-date rigour when carrying out treatments.

At Clínica Alcoforado you'll find a dental consultation specially adapted to the age and specific needs of each paediatric patient, always promoting healthy oral habits.

The earlier a child starts to be monitored in this area, the easier and more enjoyable future visits to the dentist will be. According to the guidelines, the first dental appointment should take place when the first milk tooth erupts or no later than 12 months of age. It's important to assess the development of the oral cavity from an early age, both at a dental and musculoskeletal level.

Prevention is undoubtedly one of the pillars of paediatric dentistry, with the teaching of correct oral hygiene, specifically aimed at paediatric patients, as well as the promotion of healthy eating habits and the analysis of masticatory and respiratory functions and the development and articulation of the jaws, being relevant factors within the scope of this speciality.

Never forget that it is important to assess and treat (if possible) milk teeth if they already have caries lesions, as ideally they should be kept healthy until they are replaced by their permanent teeth. Early extraction of temporary teeth sometimes has consequences that manifest themselves on several levels and should therefore be avoided.

We suggest that you come and learn about the best toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss and brushing technique for your child, as well as how to recognise potential risk factors and in which areas you should intervene early, thus promoting good dento-facial harmony and increasing your child's quality of life by maintaining good oral health.